Dr. Russell Boates

Exceeding Righteousness

Exceeding Righteousness


“Exceeding Righteousness” explores the essence of religion and the lack of zeal in Christian churches. Dr. Russell Boates contrasts the Pharisees and publicans, the Good Samaritan, and other biblical examples to provide insight into exceeding righteousness beyond religious traditions. This timeless work challenges and edifies Christians seeking a deeper understanding of biblical righteousness.


Dr. Russell Boates, the author of “Exceeding Righteousness”, offers a compelling study on the mindset of believers living under the Old Covenant versus believers living under the New Covenant. Drawing from his personal experiences and studies, Boates provides readers with a clear understanding of the differences between the two covenants and how they affect the process of sanctification in the lives of Christians.

By examining the body, soul, and spirit, Boates emphasizes the importance of dying to the self so that Christ may live in us. Through Biblical examples and contrasts, including the Pharisees and other Old and New Testament figures, Boates offers practical insights and guidance for living a life of EXCEEDING RIGHTEOUSNESS in the New Covenant of Grace. This book is a must-read for any Christian seeking to deepen their understanding of the covenant they are living under and to grow in their walk with Christ.


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